CO speed hiking

(1 customer review)

CO speed hiking

(1 customer review)


10,00 €

Independently using the equipment provided

Orientation using a map and compass provided


10,00 €

In summary

Duration of activity

Between 45 min and 3 h 30

Recommended age

6 years

Number of routes

4 difficulty levels


Go, starting on foot from our base and using a map and compass, in search of beacons hidden here and there in the mountains... Located near the Mercantour National Park, take advantage of this natural moment, in a pleasant mountain scenery, crossing typical rural villages, plains and forests...

You will have the choice between 4 difficulty levels, ranging from green rating to black. It will always be the same route, but with more or less distance, elevation and beacons. You will choose the level of difficulty the day of your activity directly with our team. Same price for all difficulty levels.

If you wish, you can do this orienteering race against the clock, to try to beat the scores of your predecessors (display of the best times at the reception). You can also challenge yourself by forming two competing teams. But you can also do this orienteering course by taking your time… It all depends on what you are looking for!
Person holding a compass looking for the way

CO speed trail

CO speed trail

(1 customer review)

CO speed trail

(1 customer review)


10,00 €

Independently using the equipment provided

Orientation using a map and compass provided


10,00 €

In summary

Duration of activity

Between 30 min and 2 h 30

Recommended age

10 years

Number of routes

4 difficulty levels


The orienteering race variant: speed trail, is aimed at racing and endurance enthusiasts! This is the same activity as its little sister: the hiking version, the plot is identical. But this sportier version includes more markers as well as more distance and elevation to cover.

The estimated time to complete the activity is also calculated on a faster progression speed, with a principle of running in the descents and flat areas as well as a brisk walk in the climbs.

However, if you want to do a long day hike and have a lot of distance to cover and markers to find. Nothing prevents you from going on the black speed trail race. And to do it at your hiking pace. You can absolutely book one variant or the other and change your mind on the day of the activity without any worries. Our team will be there on D-Day to advise you on the route that best suits your desires and abilities.
Team spirit is strengthened during a team building event with Rapid'Eau Park

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📅 La réouverture est prévue pour avril 2025 ! 📅

En attendant, vous pouvez déjà réserver en ligne vos activités pour la saison prochaine et être prêts à profiter dès le retour des beaux jours !

Person holding a compass looking for the way

Navigate between our activities

  • Rafting Ubaye
  • Integral Rafting Ubaye
  • Ubaye Family Rafting
  • Hydrospeed Ubaye
  • Kayak raft Ubaye
  • Canoe raft Ubaye
  • Adventure Park
  • treasure hunt
  • Orienteering
  • Lauzet Canyon
  • Adventure Package
  • Sports cocktail formula

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1 review for Course d’orientation

  1. Julie

    We tried the 'speed trail' version of orienteering to celebrate a girlfriend's bachelorette party and what a challenge! It was sporty, intense, but so rewarding. Finding each beacon was a small victory! We competed by forming 2 teams, it was fun! Congratulations to Rapido for this well thought out activity. 🙂

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Non, cette activité n'est pas encadrée par un professionnel. Vous partirez uniquement entre vous et vous vous orienterez à l'aide de votre carte et de vos boussoles fournies.
This orienteering race respects the prerogatives of the French Federation of Orienteering. It is of a classic level of difficulty. Having a minimum knowledge of map reading is a plus but you should still be able to orient yourself even if you are not very good at orienteering. Indeed, the route follows paths and paths for the most part marked, therefore the orientation should not pose problems. The real difficulty will lie more in locating the beacons than in orienting yourself and following the route.

Si vous craignez malgré tout de vous perdre, nous vous recommandons l'installation sur votre smartphone de l'appli " navigation & off maps" totalement gratuite. Cette application vous permettra de créer un itinéraire depuis votre point jusqu'à la base qui tient compte des petits sentiers. Vous n'aurez plus qu'à suivre les indications du GPS au fur et à mesure de la marche pour rentrer à la base. Pensez à télécharger à l'avance la carte de la région Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur (environ 400MB) pour avoir accès à la carte même si vous n'avez pas de réseau.

Pour télécharger cette carte : ouvrez l'application, allez dans le menu dont l'icône se situe en bas à gauche de l'écran. Ouvrez-la rubrique "Cartes hors ligne", cherchez "France" puis téléchargez la région concernée.

Our contact details

Rapid'Eau Raft And Adventure Park fusionnent pour former Rapid’Eau Park, une base de loisirs multi-activités à Méolans Revel dans les Alpes de Haute Provence. Idéalement située près de Barcelonnette, du Lac de Serre Ponçon et des stations Le Sauze And Pra Loup, elle propose des activités d’eaux vives sur l’Ubaye : rafting, kayak rafting, canoe raft, hydrospeed, ainsi que des sports outdoors tels que le canyoning, la orienteering, THE jeu de piste, and formules packages à tarifs avantageux. Profitez aussi de notre Parc aventure type accrobranche : l’Adventure Park pour les grands et du Kid Park pour les plus petits au cœur de la vallée de l'Ubaye.

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More information on difficulty levels

Between 0 and 40% ⇒ Accessible

Between 40 and 70% ⇒ Moderate

Between 70 and 100% ⇒ Difficult

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